Courses We found 9 courses available for you Default Popularity Latest Price: low to high Price: high to low €100,00 Selfcare for busy moms by Hanneke Peeters Een primeur: een cursus speciaal voor moeders, moeders in wording, stiefmoeders en iedereen die zich moeder voelt. … €100,00 Giftvoucher for any course YES! The best gift ever is here: personal growth. It's easy, it's fast and it's an evergreen. … €100,00 Ayurveda course by Victoria (Tory) Ayurveda, isn't that a vague ancient concept from the deepends of India? Well yes, but also very much … €100,00 Natural Health by Liselore This holistic after summer detox provides you, dear women, with a lot of insights and hands on knowledge … €70,00 Crystals&Chakra’s by Hanneke No this is not Harry Potter Philospher stone stuff, this is rocksolid self-care. Don't we all need some … €100,00 Plant as food and medicine by Leoniek Come and join Leoniek on her foraging and medicinal plants course. Your adventure will take your from your … Load More All items displayed.