Natural Health by Liselore
Sep 24, 2020 2021-01-27 14:13Natural Health by Liselore
Natural Health by Liselore
Holistic After Summer Detox Course:
boost your energy, your immunity & realign yourself
Welcome back after the summer of 2020, could be the weirdest of our time on earth thus far. Insecurity about the rules and regulation, anxiousness, 1,5 meter on the beach, public transport with masks, remote working. A summer beyond imagination, not everything necessarily on the bright side of our fantasy.
Now moving towards September, this course will help you kind of reset your whole summervibe and help you slide into the next part of this challenging year.
This holistic after summer detox provides you, dear women, with a lot of insights and hands on knowledge and methods. Step by step you will be able to detox: physically, mentally and emotionally.
It was pizzas and ice creams all summer for us, so now it’s the perfect moment to step into Your Natural Potential. Unpack your baggage, on all levels. Get inspired to live a liberated life without unnecessary weight to drag around.
Liselore van Ekdom will help you 1) get some extra energy or just want to lose some summer kilos by a holistic approach, 2) feel you can use a new experience to re-align yourself, or 3) boost your immunity, which is obviously a very wise idea to handle upcoming flu season.
Bye bye summerself, hello kick-ass rest-of-the-year-you!
What to expect
By integrating the latest knowledge and using effective and fun tools, we work through the holistic detox together. In between the classes you will integrate the new insights in daily life.
After this course you have lifetime tools available for yourself to be able to Live Your Natural Potential.
- It’s all about energy & alignment
- Detox introduction Your Elements of Energy
- Stress management
- Optimizing hormones & brain balance
- Detox by nutrition
- Insights in your personal holistic detox potential
- Optimising your energy by physical detox & alignment
- Next level nutrition optimizing (+ optimal supplement advice)
- Habits for personal thriving: proactiveness, time – management, alignment
- Alignment visualisation
- Insight in your mental detox potential
- Detoxing mental & emotional blokkades
- Habits to be able live in abundance: win-win mentality, synergizing, continues improvement
- Learning to heal yourself mental & emotional by using emotional freedom techniques and energy work
4 . Wrapping it up
- Open subject and exercise filled in by request/ Q&A
- Heart meditation
“ Did you know it yet? It’s our light that lights up the world (Rumi)”
This course will take place on Tuesday’s at 19:30 hours:
1. 22th of December
2. 5th of January
3. 12th of January
4. 19th of January